A Fast and Easy to use microframework for the web.
Crow is a C++ framework for creating HTTP or Websocket web services. It uses routing similar to Python's Flask which makes it easy to use. It is also extremely fast, beating multiple existing C++ frameworks as well as non C++ frameworks.
Blazingly Fast
Header Only
Typesafe handlers
Websocket Support
Easy to get started
#include "crow.h"
int main()
crow::SimpleApp app;
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([](){
return "Hello world";
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/json")
crow::json::wvalue x({{"message", "Hello, World!"}});
x["message2"] = "Hello, World.. Again!";
return x;
JSON Support Built-in
URL parameter support as well!
([](int count){
return crow::response(std::to_string(count));