Crow  1.1
A C++ microframework for the web
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcrowThe main namespace of the library. In this namespace is defined the most important classes and functions of the library
 NmultipartEncapsulates anything related to processing and organizing multipart/xyz messages
 CheaderThe first part in a section, contains metadata about the part
 Cheader_viewThe first part in a section, contains metadata about the part
 CmessageThe parsed multipart request/response
 Cmessage_viewThe parsed multipart request/response
 CpaddedString padded with the specified padding (double quotes by default)
 CpartOne part of the multipart message
 Cpart_viewOne part of the multipart message
 NmustacheIn this namespace is defined most of the functions and classes related to template rendering
 CActionUsed during mustache template compilation to represent parsing actions
 Cinvalid_template_exceptionRepresents compilation error of an template. Throwed specially at mustache compile time
 Crendered_templateReturned object after call the template_t::render() method. Its intended to be returned during a rule declaration
 Ctemplate_tCompiled mustache template object
 NwebsocketNamespace that includes the Connection class and connection struct. Useful for WebSockets connection
 CconnectionA base class for websocket connection
 CConnectionA websocket connection
 CBaseRuleA base class for all rules
 CBlueprintA blueprint can be considered a smaller section of a Crow app, specifically where the router is concerned
 Cci_hashHashing function for ci_map (unordered_multimap)
 Cci_key_eqEquals function for ci_map (unordered_multimap)
 CConnectionAn HTTP connection
 CCORSHandlerCORSHandler is a global middleware for setting CORS headers
 CCORSRulesUsed for tuning CORS policies
 CCrowThe main server application class
 CDynamicRuleA rule that can change its parameters during runtime
 CHTTPParserA wrapper for nodejs/http-parser
 CILocalMiddlewareLocal middleware should extend ILocalMiddleware
 CInMemoryStoreInMemoryStore stores all entries in memory
 Cquery_stringA class to represent any data coming after the ? in the request URL into key-value pairs
 CrequestAn HTTP request
 CresponseHTTP response
 Cstatic_file_infoThis constains metadata (coming from the stat command) related to any static files associated with this response
 CreturnableAn abstract class that allows any other class to be returned by a handler
 CRouterHandles matching requests to existing rules and upgrade requests
 CRuleParameterTraitsAllows the user to assign parameters using functions
 CSocketAdaptorA wrapper for the asio::ip::tcp::socket and asio::ssl::stream
 CTaggedRuleDefault rule created when CROW_ROUTE is called
 CTrieA search tree
 CWebSocketRuleA rule dealing with websockets
 Nsha1Here is defined the SHA1 class
 CSHA1A tiny SHA1 algorithm implementation used internally in the Crow server (specifically in crow/websocket.h)