▼Ncrow | The main namespace of the library. In this namespace is defined the most important classes and functions of the library |
▼Nmultipart | Encapsulates anything related to processing and organizing multipart/xyz messages |
Cheader | The first part in a section, contains metadata about the part |
Cheader_view | The first part in a section, contains metadata about the part |
Cmessage | The parsed multipart request/response |
Cmessage_view | The parsed multipart request/response |
Cpadded | String padded with the specified padding (double quotes by default) |
Cpart | One part of the multipart message |
Cpart_view | One part of the multipart message |
▼Nmustache | In this namespace is defined most of the functions and classes related to template rendering |
CAction | Used during mustache template compilation to represent parsing actions |
Cinvalid_template_exception | Represents compilation error of an template. Throwed specially at mustache compile time |
Crendered_template | Returned object after call the template_t::render() method. Its intended to be returned during a rule declaration |
Ctemplate_t | Compiled mustache template object |
▼Nwebsocket | Namespace that includes the Connection class and connection struct. Useful for WebSockets connection |
Cconnection | A base class for websocket connection |
▼CConnection | A websocket connection |
CSendMessageType | |
CWeakWrappedMessage | |
Cbad_request | |
CBaseRule | A base class for all rules |
CBlueprint | A blueprint can be considered a smaller section of a Crow app, specifically where the router is concerned |
CCatchallRule | |
CCerrLogHandler | |
Cci_hash | Hashing function for ci_map (unordered_multimap) |
Cci_key_eq | Equals function for ci_map (unordered_multimap) |
CConnection | An HTTP connection |
▼CCookieParser | |
Ccontext | |
CCookie | |
▼CCORSHandler | CORSHandler is a global middleware for setting CORS headers |
Ccontext | |
CCORSRules | Used for tuning CORS policies |
CCrow | The main server application class |
CDynamicRule | A rule that can change its parameters during runtime |
CFileStore | |
Chttp_parser | |
Chttp_parser_settings | |
CHTTPParser | A wrapper for nodejs/http-parser |
CILocalMiddleware | Local middleware should extend ILocalMiddleware |
CILogHandler | |
CInMemoryStore | InMemoryStore stores all entries in memory |
Clogger | |
Cquery_string | A class to represent any data coming after the ? in the request URL into key-value pairs |
Crequest | An HTTP request |
▼Cresponse | HTTP response |
Cstatic_file_info | This constains metadata (coming from the stat command) related to any static files associated with this response |
Creturnable | An abstract class that allows any other class to be returned by a handler |
CRouter | Handles matching requests to existing rules and upgrade requests |
Crouting_handle_result | |
CRuleParameterTraits | Allows the user to assign parameters using functions |
CServer | |
▼CSessionMiddleware | |
Ccontext | |
CSocketAdaptor | A wrapper for the asio::ip::tcp::socket and asio::ssl::stream |
CSSLAdaptor | |
CTaggedRule | Default rule created when CROW_ROUTE is called |
▼CTrie | A search tree |
CNode | |
▼CUTF8 | |
Ccontext | |
CWebSocketRule | A rule dealing with websockets |
▼Nsha1 | Here is defined the SHA1 class |
CSHA1 | A tiny SHA1 algorithm implementation used internally in the Crow server (specifically in crow/websocket.h) |